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Dozzle supports Podman. However, there are some issues with Podman that might prevent Dozzle from working properly. One of the main issues is that Podman doesn't create an engine-id like Docker.

I am seeing host not found error in the logs. How do I fix it?

This should be mainly a Podman only error: Using Podman doesn't create an engine-id like Docker. If you are using Docker, check if the engine-id file exists with correct permissions in /var/lib/docker and has the UUID inside.

It might be necessary to clean up your existing Dozzle deployment under Podman, stop the container and remove the associated data (container/volumes). After you create the engine-id, you can redeploy the Dozzle container and your logs should now show up.

Create UUID

Options for generating UUIDs:


⚠️ Adjust folder/file permissions if necessary. There isn't any critical info but depending on your existing setup you might want to take additional steps.

  1. Install uuidgen
  2. Create the folders: mkdir -p /var/lib/docker
  3. Using uuidgen generate a UUID: uuidgen > /var/lib/docker/engine-id
  4. Verify with cat /var/lib/docker/engine-id


⚠️ Depending on your setup you might have to make adjustments for file/folder permissions. The following task snippets would run as the become_user/remote_user of the playbook running these tasks.

If you wish to adjust the user, you have to set individual become/become_user parameters for these tasks.

- name: Create /var/lib/docker
    path: /var/lib/docker
    state: directory
    mode: "755"

- name: Create engine-id and derive UUID from hostname
    path: /var/lib/docker/engine-id
    line: "{{ hostname | to_uuid }}"
    create: true
    mode: "0644"
    insertafter: "EOF"

Released under the MIT License. Open sourced and sponsored by Docker OSS.