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Global Environment Variables

Configurations can be done with flags or environment variables. The table below outlines all supported options and their respective env vars.

FlagEnv VariableDefault

Repeated Flags

Some flags like --remote-host or --remote-agent can be used multiple times. For example, --remote-agent tcp:// --remote-agent tcp:// or comma separated DOZZLE_REMOTE_AGENT=tcp://,tcp://

Generate users.yml

Dozzle supports generating users.yml file. This file is used to authenticate users. Here is an example:

docker run amir20/dozzle generate admin --password password --email --name "John Doe" > users.yml

In this example, admin is the username. Email and name are optional but recommended to display accurate avatars. docker run amir20/dozzle generate --help displays all options.

--passwordUser's password
--emailUser's email
--nameUser's full name

See authentication for more information.

Agent Mode

Dozzle supports running in agent mode. Agent mode is useful when running Dozzle on a remote host and you want to monitor a different Docker host. Agent mode is enabled by setting the --remote-agent flag. Here is an example:

docker run --volume=/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -p 8080:8080 amir20/dozzle --remote-agent remote-ip:7007
FlagEnv VariableDefault

See agent for more information.


Dozzle supports healthcheck using dozzle healthcheck command. It is not enabled by default as it adds extra CPU usage. To use healthcheck you need to configure it.

See healthcheck for more information.

Released under the MIT License. Open sourced and sponsored by Docker OSS.